
My name is Alex Baumgertner, I'm a Senior JavaScript Engineer with more than 10 years of experience.

Throughout my career, I've had the chance to work in different settings. In small start-up teams, I launched new projects into production as part of a team with one designer, one tester and myself. In larger companies with over 1,000 employees, I played a key role in updating old jQuery code to modern ReactJS ecosystem, while keeping the current app running smoothly. I've also contributed to the hiring process, interviewing more than 30 Front-End developers, and helping over 5 developers settle into their new roles. Importantly, I have also helped over ten beginners reach a junior developer level, and I continue to support new developers in their career path.

Interests: EdTech Startups, Design Systems, OpenSource.

Education will save the world!


  • Initiated the transition from legacy jQuery UI components to a React library while redesigning the interface and adding new functionality. This involved splitting a 15k loc file into an MVC structure, implementing Docker for development, and organizing development tasks in Trello
  • Assisted in automating HR processes with Google API, NextJS, and MongoDB
  • Established micro-frontend architecture infrastructure, which included creating common npm libs such as authentication, data fetching, and React UI widgets. This allowed for parallel development and deployment and resulted in the creation of the front-end department.
  • Released the first version of the chevostik.ru web app using React and CRA.
  • Mentored over five students at HTML Academy and aided them in passing their final exams.

My toolset:

  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • React ecosystem
  • NodeJS
  • MacOS/Linux
  • Docker
  • Jira/Jenkins
  • Git/Github/Github actions
  • WebStorm
  • Git/Github
  • Figma
  • TrackJs, sentry.io, Graylog;

Specialization and skills:

  • Front-end (ReactJS Ecosystem including React Router, Redux, Redux-Saga, ImmutableJS, NextJS)
  • Back-end (ExpressJS, Fastify, MongoDB, Mongoose, PostgreSQL)
  • Flexible and extensible HTML/CSS coding
  • JS development (including writing tests and documentation)
  • Support continuous integration in the development process of web projects: code review, writing tests, configure build/test platforms
  • Mentoring


Alex Baumgertner photo, 2014

Links and Contacts

My projects